Swim First Method
Swim First Guarantee
We guarantee non-swimmers ages 3 and older will learn to swim in 8 days or we will keep teaching at no additional cost, fulfilling our guarantee!
All normally developed children ages 3 and older will learn to jump off the side of the pool, turn themselves around and swim back to the wall.
Swimmers will also be able to jump into the pool from a jumping rock, diving board, or platform, turn themselves around and swim back to the wall unassisted.
Swimmer will be able to swim back to the wall, nearest to them, in the event of falling into the pool.
Many 3 year old, non-swimmers will also learn how to float, take breaths, pick up toys off the bottom of the pool, swim the width and the length of the pool. (However these are not guaranteed)
The Swim First guarantee is for all normally developed children ages 3 year old and older. This means they can run, jump, are fully potty trained and have no physical or mental handicaps and are of normal weight and height. (Being fully potty trained means your child is day time and night time potty trained. The use of a swim diaper in the pool constitutes not being fully potty trained.)
Swimmers need to attend ALL 8 days of lessons and be in the pool ALL 8 days of lessons to reach the guarantee. Missing a class will void your Swim First Guarantee.
Toddlers (ages 18-months- two years old):
We also offer a beginners session for ages 18 months- two years old. We teach the same method to toddler students as we do to ages three, potty trained and older. Swim First teaches numerous two year olds each season and their success depends largely on their personalities. Most do excellent and reach all three safety requirements that I offer and do well. Some toddlers require more time. It does depend on the child. We recommend enrolling toddlers in more than one session.
With younger students we focus on a intro to the water with a emphasis on comfort, breath control, water submersion, body positioning, buoyancy, floating, unassisted movement in the water, kicking, swinging their arms, jumping in and attempting to swim to the teacher, jumping in and learning to return to the wall, learning to jump off the high jump etc. These are not parent participation classes. There is a waiting area behind the pool gate where family and parents can sit and watch. My two year old and younger classes are traditional swim lessons and designed to be an introduction to lessons for next summer when they are eligible for guaranteed classes. I do not teach the ISR method, I teach my students in the event of falling into the pool to turn on their stomach and swim to the closest wall, rather than falling in and floating.
We gladly offer lessons for children with Autism and any mental handicaps who are capable of taking swimming lessons. Please call to schedule these classes. (480) 798-2899
As of 2020, we proudly work with families affiliated with Foster Care Arizona.